Times Union Editorial

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Feeding New York State is committed to nonpartisan advocacy to fight hunger in our state. No matter who is in office, we are committed to supporting public policy that helps reduce hunger and food insecurity, including our robust efforts to protect and improve the federal nutrition programs.

Feeding New York State Post Election Statement

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Feeding New York State is committed to nonpartisan advocacy to fight hunger in our state. No matter who is in office, we are committed to supporting public policy that helps reduce hunger and food insecurity, including our robust efforts to protect and improve the federal nutrition programs.

Governor Cuomo Announces Actions to Expand Eligibility and Ease Access to Food Assistance for New Yorkers

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Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced actions aimed at reducing food insecurity among community college students, older adults and disabled New Yorkers. These actions include expanding Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program eligibility to up to nearly 75,000 low-income college students enrolled in career or technical education course work and shortening the SNAP application for those on fixed incomes in an effort to encourage greater enrollment among eligible older adults and disabled individuals.

Produce Bue Book Perdue: Time to end the food box program

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“The USDA CFAP program has provided a lot of easy-to-handle food to hungry New Yorkers. However, the program has been challenged by poor management and a lack of transparency at USDA. The bottom line is that the economic crisis we are in is not going to end October 31, nor even months after that. We need to continue public support to ensure an adequate, charitable food supply.” -Feeding New York State Executive Director, Dan Egan

Times Union Viewpoint: Despite food donations, SNAP benefits crucial

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The public’s investment in SNAP ensures that New York is maximizing its federally funded food security foundation, and allows the state-level investment in Feeding New York State and member food banks to be even more effective. Congress must include a 15 percent SNAP increase in the next stimulus bill.

Feeding New York State Releases Statement on Racial Justice

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The United States of America, unlike most countries, was not created around a piece of geography or a single national group. We were created by a set of ideas. Among them were the ideas that all of us are equal, that all of us should have the same opportunities, and that government exists to serve the people.