Below are a set of interactive data sets designed to assist policymakers, advocates, grant writers, planning staff to explore important hunger-related data.

NYS, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program (SNAP)

This data set describes various SNAP trends. These can be manipulated by time, county, etc. Additional
need-related data and that for other food programs and sources will follow.

Meals for the Elderly

Funded by the NYS Office for the Aging (SOFA)

The New York State Office for the Aging, largely through its Expanded In-Home Services for the Elderly Program (EISEP) funds a variety of services. Among those services are congregate and home-delivered meals.

Food Insecurity in New York

During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The question being answered here is “what percentage of adults in households where there was either sometimes or often not enough to eat in the last seven days? “