Feeding New York State Launches Statewide Produce Sourcing Program

Feeding New York State Launches Statewide Produce Sourcing Program: Introduces New State Produce Manager, Jim Germain

Read Press Release Albany, NY – Feeding New York State (FeedingNYS) today announced the launch of its Statewide Produce Sourcing program. The goal of the program is to link farmers and food banks at the statewide level to ensure that the food grown in New York can be provided to New Yorkers in need, no matter where in the state they live. FeedingNYS will also link these farms to the wider food bank network outside New York State.

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New York State Provides Additional Details on $25 Million in Funding for Food Banks Through Nourish New York Initiative

New York State Provides Additional Details on $25 Million in Funding for Food Banks Through Nourish New York Initiative

Read Press Release Feeding New York State applauds Governor Cuomo's leadership in creating the Nourish New York Program. With these funds, our ten food banks will be able to significantly expand our partnerships with New York farmers and dairy producers, providing top quality food to our neighbors statewide.

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Governor Cuomo Launches Nourish New York Initiative, $25 Million in Funding to Food Banks

Governor Cuomo Launches Nourish New York Initiative, $25 Million in Funding to Food Banks

Read Press Release Feeding New York State is grateful to New York State and Governor Cuomo for the Nourish New York initiative and the emergency funding for our state's food banks during this crisis.

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USDA Increases Monthly SNAP Benefits by 40%

USDA Increases Monthly SNAP Benefits by 40%

Read Press Release. Feeding New York State shares the United States Department of Agriculture news that emergency benefit increases have reached $2.0 billion per month for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) households across all 50 states and 3 territories to increase food security during the coronavirus national emergency. These emergency benefits represent a 40% increase in overall monthly SNAP benefits, significantly increasing food purchasing power for American families.

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FeedingNYS Lobby Day 2020

On February 26, FeedingNYS held its Lobby Day at the Capital. Learn More about our asks and let your representatives know that you support our mission!

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Understanding the USCIS Public Charge Rule

Hunger Solutions New York is offering an insightful resource to understand the facts about SNAP and the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service's final public charge rule that goes into effect on February 24, 2020. Learn More.

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NYS DEC announces two new initiatives – News10 Coverage

WTEN News10 in Albany, New York covered the Department of Environmental Conservation's recent announcement with the Regional Food Bank and Feeding New York State to distribute reusable bags to food banks across the state, and $4.3 million dollars in small grants to help reduce food waste.

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